Our Services


Subject Based Tutoring
We work to meet the specific needs of each student by assessing their strengths and weaknesses and developing a tailored, individualized curriculum.

Executive Skill Function & Learning Differences
Improving executive skill function is an integral part of our approach at Stone x Stone. We strengthen time management, task prioritization, organization, focus, and memory skills through careful guidance and instruction. Additionally, we specialize in helping students cope with test anxiety, emotional stress, attention deficit disorders, and many other learning challenges. 

Test Preparation
Standardized test prep can be daunting for students and parents. At Stone x Stone, we have the resources and experience to strengthen test taking skills and build confidence.  Go to our Resources page.

School Consultation & Application
We guide parents through the school consultation and application process with individualized attention based on students’ particular needs; we make the process accessible to those who are unfamiliar with the local scholastic community.

Academic Advocacy
A huge part of our success at Stone x Stone is our devotion to collaboration and strategy within the school environment to best understand and address student challenges.

Academic Coaching & Consultation
We assist in working through conflict situations regarding academics with parents, teachers, and clinicians. This includes mediation support and addressing behavioral issues derived from academic challenges.  

For rates, please contact us directly.